
Motorola MOTONAV TN20 3.5-Inch Portable GPS Navigator with Text-to-Speech

Motorola MOTONAV TN20 3.5-Inch Portable GPS Navigator with Text-to-Speech
Motorola MOTONAV TN20 3.5-Inch Portable GPS Navigator with Text-to-Speech
Brand : Motorola Model : 89293N

Overall Rating :
From : 13 Reviews
Color : / Size :

Technical Details
  • Anti-glare 3.5-inch touchscreen
  • Hear spoken street names and turn-by-turn directions
  • Over one million searchable points of interests, including restaurants, gas stations, banks and more
  • Lane guidance shows you which lane to use
  • One-year limited warranty

Product Description

Going places has never been so easy. MOTONAV TN20 is a reliable, easy-to-use portable GPS navigation system that relieves the stress of driving in unfamiliar places with spoken street names and turn by turn directions.MOTONAV TN20 provides easy-to-follow, clearly spoken street names and directions along with accurate maps and routing on screen. With over one million pre-loaded points of interest, TN20 will help drivers find virtually any local business, restaurant or gas station along the way. With maps of the entire continental U.S., drivers can use the device no matter where their travels take them.

Customer Reviews (see all-reviews)

San D ( usa )
The unit I got didn't work properly. On a 21 mile trip it would only give me street directions when there's a FWY ramp just four blocks from my house. There were so many little streets I got dizzy. I decided to take the FWY after all, at which point it got lost and told me I was on a street I've never heard of. Finally I think it recognize the FWY I was in (or maybe not) because on every ramp I pass it kept telling me to exit, all this while the map got stuck and kept going over and over the sames streets I had gone by like 5 miles ago.
Aside from that trip I tested on trips to local stores I usually go to. Not happy with the results there either, it got lost when I turn onto a major Blvd told me I was on a whole different street.
Not happy with this unit, so it's going back.

C. Burkholder ( Virginia USA )
Got this nice little GPS on sale for $79 and with my gift card, only paid $59. What a bargain! I've had it out on the road once, and it works very well. It re-calculates your route in a matter of seconds if you miss your turn. Text to speech is very easy to hear and understand. The only drawback that I can see, is the small database of POI. Based on what I paid and how the unit works, I'm not complaining. Just letting other potential purchasers know what to expect.

linda pare ( Madison, CT United States )
I purchased this for my son who had his mio stolen. He said it runs much quicker than the mio and has no problems with it.

J. Johnson ( clintwood,va )
just tried it on vacation, did a great job,the voice is not real clear sometimes.......
but all in all did fine

Dale Kotila ( Michigan, USA )
I recently purchased a MOTONAV.(love motorola Phones)..for a upcoming trip my Wife was taking..I have a Magellan in my truck. After messing around in the setup screens for over an hour, It still wouldn't "hold" my home address in the unit. This is My 4th or 5th GPS..having used several GPS units on my boat and cars..I found this one hard to use. A buddy came over with a new Tom Tom 130..what a pleasure compared to my unit.
Time being short I went rite then and purchased one like His for my Wife's trip. The Motonav was back in the box that day. Thank goodness I used Amazon, the ease of return is GREAT. There weren't any reviews ...I just thought $79 for a new unit..not bad.





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