
Magellan Maestro 4040 4.3-Inch Widescreen Bluetooth Portable GPS Navigator

Magellan Maestro 4040 4.3-Inch Widescreen Bluetooth Portable GPS Navigator
Magellan Maestro 4040 4.3-Inch Widescreen Bluetooth Portable GPS Navigator
Brand : Magellan Model : Maestro 4040

Overall Rating :
From : 225 Reviews
Color : black/silver / Size :

Technical Details
  • Built-in AAA travel information, including member roadside assistance details and more
  • Bluetooth hands-free calling for added safety (Compatible Bluetooth phone required, sold separately)
  • SayWhere turn-by-turn voice guidance allows you to hear the name of the next turn
  • 4.3-inch WQVGA full-color, anti-glare touch screen
  • Measures 5.0 x 3.75 x 0.88 inches (WxHxD) and weighs 8.5 ounces

Product Description

Magellan Maestro 4040 delivers elegant design and ease of use, Bluetooth hands-free cell functionality plus voiced routing instructions

Customer Reviews (see all-reviews)

D. Mullen ( Gig Harbor, WA )
Very reliable, charge lasts a long time. Still trying to to learn to use it. In order to locate a particular store or restaurant, you have to cancel your current trip and enter a POI and most times you won't find it unless you already have the address. Works great for mapping out shortest and fastest routes and gives random POI places but certainly not all inclusive. My cell phone "Navigator" was pretty inaccurate as far as mapping but it did allow me to select a wide variety of restaurants, stores, etc.

Susan Sheehey ( TX )
This was a birthday gift for a friend, and she loves it. Says its very easy to use, although she tries not to fiddle with it while driving (cumbersome at times)

B. Williams ( norfolk, va )
Purchased recently and took a trip to New Orleans, without the GPS I probably would still be riding around looking for various destinations (apartment hunting). Great product, a MUST have!!

Arthur W. Smith
The GPS did not work. It would not even turn on. Returned item for a full refund.

M. Clifton
The Magellan Maestro 4040 is a really good unit for $120. The 4040 is quick on start up. I tried the unit right out of the box and the unit seems slow to reroute if I make a short cut I know is faster because of traffic. The unit works well but could be better. I checked the maps and discovered they were database version 27 but an updated database version 31 is free from Magellan if you pay shipping of $10 and apply within 30 days of purchase. The unit I received had software is version 2.62 but Magellan has an updated software version 3.61 free for download on their web site. After the map updates and the software updates were applied the unit seems faster to reroute if I take short cuts and seems to contain a few new streets the old map version did not have installed. I have only used the unit around town and on one 120 mile trip. So far the unit is working great.

Steps I took to get the updates:

1. I ordered a Magellan Maestro 4040 from on Sept. 11, 2009.
2. I registered the product on the Magellan web site.
3. I called Magellan's support at 800=707-9971 and requested a map update. I was given account # and fax # to send proof of purchase. I faxed the info to Magellan.
4. I received a phone call from Magellan and gave them my credit card info for shipping the maps update. The update arrived within 4 days by FedEx.
5. I installed the 2008/2009 map update database version 31. The map update also updated the software to version 3.01 (I think was the right number)
6. I installed the software update to version 3.61.

Note: Do not install the downloaded software update before you update the maps to version 31. This is from the Magellan web page.

"The software update version corresponds to your map database version:
If you have map database version 27, your software will be updated to v2.62.
If you have map database version 31, your software will be updated to v3.61. "

My unit is good to go!





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