
TomTom ONE XL-S 4.3-Inch Widescreen Portable GPS Navigator Review

TomTom ONE XL-S 4.3-Inch Widescreen Portable GPS Navigator
TomTom ONE XL-S 4.3-Inch Widescreen Portable GPS Navigator
Brand : TomTom Model : 1S00.082

Overall Rating :
From : 273 Reviews
Color : Silver / Size :

Technical Details
  • The world's largest portable navigation provider
  • Preloaded maps of the United States and Canada
  • TomTom MapShare instant map updates
  • 4.3-inch touchscreen; Text-to-speech for spoken street names
  • Real-time traffic and weather data

Product Description

TomTom ONE XL-S. Find your way the easy way with preloaded maps of US/CAN, TomTom MapShare instant map updates, 4.3 touchscreen, and text-to-speech for spoken street names.

Customer Reviews (see all-reviews)

dominoaz ( Phoenix, AZ )
I purchased two TomTom ONE XL-S's, one for each car. Overall, I am pleased with the product. I am somewhat dissapointed that the Text-to-Voice feature only allows one computer voice, but I knew that going in, thanks to a buyer review. I would have preferred the English woman, though. One other problem is with BlueTooth compatibility. While I haven't explored it fully, my cell phone (Samsung) doesn't want to connect, even though the TomTom shows it on the screen as recognized. This appears to be a phone issue and not the TomTom. My wife feels that the product paid for itself when, on a recent trip, we missed a turn and the TomTom immediately got us back on course without a hitch.

Arthur H. Penrose ( Point Pleasant, NJ USA )
TomTom is without any doubt the WORSE GPS unit/ Customer service / Warranty service of ANY GPS manufacturer.

My first TomTom the on/off switch was so flimsy it would turn the unit on by itself while it was sitting in the car or on a desk. TomTom finally replaced that one under warranty, but the reconditioned repair they sent runs out of battery power after 45 minutes without being plugged in. When turned off fully charged, the battery will be completely dead within a week WITHOUT the unit being turned on.

I called TomTom customer service, and their warranty department tells me they WILL NOT WARRANTY REPLACE a GPS unit that runs at least 30 minutes under battery power. Also, they told me it was normal for their GPS units to run the battery down within a week WHILE TURNED OFF, and will only replace it under warranty if the battery dies completely within 2-3 days while the unit is turned off.

To recap, TomTom warranty says a fully charged battery only lasts 30 minutes, and a fully charged battery will die after 2-3 days with the TomTom GPS TURNED OFF.

So, if you want to be like me and have a hundred dollar paperweight after purchasing it only 10 months ago, buy this GPS for yourself, or even as a gift! Otherwise, I would avoid this manufacturers products entirely.

Arthur Penrose

p.s. TomTom customer service, if you are reading this, my case number for the facts in this review is 091006-000350. I would not want anyone to think I was making any of this up.

Don Goodrich ( nc )
easy to use and setup. interfaces well with computer. was able to set up in care in nontraditional manner for my special needs.

Travel Girl Carrie
I received this TomTom as a gift and have used it, more or less, with no real problems UNTIL . . . we decided to try to purchase a new map. My husband got transferred to Europe for his job, and so we have been trying to download the Western and Central European map now for over a week. After numerous calls to customer service (from Europe, no less), we were given about 10 different reasons why we couldn't download our map. some of which include - 1) you can't download via a wireless connection, 2) our SD card was too small (2GB), 3) we bought the wrong type of SD card once we bought a new 4GB one (apparently you can't use a high capacity - hc - card and that is what we purchased. There was no mention of this by the agent who told us to purchase a larger card, and 4) our SD card reader had problems. Not to mention that in the diagnosing of this problem, EVERYTHING was wiped off my device - including the voices that speak the directions to you while you drive. Ultimately, they decided that it's the reader in the device that had the problem and when we asked for a refund for the price of the map were flat out told no. We were not getting a refund, yet, we had no product which we had paid $100 USD for (not only did we spend $100 on the map, but we also spend $25 for a phone card - we are living in a hotel - and $17 for a new SD card). What we were told our only option was to download a lesser European map that would fit on the hard drive of the actual TomTom device, but that also meant that we could not have both the US and European map on the device (another point to mention is that this lesser map costs less and they wouldn't even refund us the difference!). We wanted to have both for when we traveled back and forth between the US and Europe. However, we were told that we would have to switch back and forth between maps depending on where we were going (remove the Europe map from the device, add the US map) when going to the states, and then vice versa for when we travel back to Europe. I cannot believe that a company would actually not provide a refund for a product when it's not received - through no fault of the consumer. I have literally spent 15 hours on the phone with them trying to resolve this issue. Very poor customer service - honestly, the absolute worst I have ever encountered. Good luck if you ever have to deal with them!

Pranav Bhatt ( Princeton, NJ )
I ordered TomTom after searching different GPS in the same category. Also, I was going on a long trip and I needed GPS for it. I took it along with me. I absolutely loved it. I got to the places exactly without being lost. It made the whole journey very relaxing as I was not constantly focusing on "what's the next route/exit" etc. I just followed it and it worked great. Another feature that I liked was the notifications when you go over speed limit. It helped us manage the speed throughout the journey. I was initially inclined to buy Garmin but compared to the features and other offering Tomtom seemed better. Afterwards, many people actually told that Tomtom is a better choice. One thing I feel that Tomtom could include is a screen protector as well as a case for it. But it can be purchased separately and does not cost much but it is so basic that they could just include it. Overall, it's a great purchase and it was all worth it after that one trip.





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