
Magellan RoadMate 1470 4.7-Inch Widescreen Portable GPS Navigator Review

Magellan RoadMate 1470 4.7-Inch Widescreen Portable GPS Navigator
Magellan RoadMate 1470 4.7-Inch Widescreen Portable GPS Navigator
Brand : Magellan Model : 1470

Overall Rating :
From : 102 Reviews
Color : / Size :

Technical Details
  • Wide 4.7-inch color touchscreen and ultra-thin design for powerful navigation in a compact package
  • Includes maps of United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico with 6 million points of interest
  • Features multi-destination routing, highway lane assist, spoken street names, AAA TourBook, and Roadside Assistance menu
  • Personalized search icons let you easily bookmark favorite destinations so you can find them anywhere you travel
  • One-year limited warranty

Product Description

The Magellan RoadMate 1470 GPS device boasts a unique 4.7-inch color touchscreen and ultra-thin design, delivering powerful navigation in a compact package. This easy-to-use device gives you confidence while on the road with premium features, including AAA TourBook, highway lane assist, spoken street names, multi-destination routing, and pre-loaded maps of North America.

Customer Reviews (see all-reviews)

Bruce Scandariato ( New Orleans, LA USA )
I live in the New Orleans area.

The Magellan 1470 is a good & reliable product. It does get me where I needed to go. I've had it for three weeks. On that point, I'm satistfied with it. I would have given it 5 stars if it weren't for its flaws.

The screen layout is pretty good, but the volume button should have been place somewhere off the map either at the top of the screen or at the bottom.

The map routing and map accuracy leaves much to be desired. It likes to make all these left & right turns which supposedly is the fast way to get me to my destination. One feature is lacking, the easiest route to get to.

The end destination of the address is badly off the mark. I went to one of those hard to find addresses on the westbank expressway as a test and it ended about 75 yards off the mark in the middle of the shopping mall. Other address weren't too bad, it was like about 4 to 6 houses off.

It appears to be a problem with the map dataset. This is really not Magellan's fault as they get the map data set from Navtech I believe.

Lane guidance - I'm somewhat disappointed in that. I tried to test this out on the interstate. I guess Magellans concept of lane guidance is different from what I might've expected. But it does work, and its an area that could use some improvement in the signs & lettering. It should have used different color set to highlight the signs. 2 similar green colors were somewhat confusing and one of them was highlighted. It'd be nice if it also told me which lane to get on as many interstates have 6 lanes or more 2 or 3 of which may lead to exits or interchanges.

I didn't get the traffic feature. Not sure if this is worthwhile getting.

I'm disappointed with the manual, it was skimpy on details on some of the GPS features.

I do like the auto-night display feature of the GPS and the POI feature.

Inspite of these nits, this is my first GPS unit and I'm satisfied with it.

R. Van Egghen ( NY )
easy to set up and use - follow the directions. We've tested it going places we know well and always finds the route we want...fastest, shortest, etc. Can't wait to use it on trips we are unfamiliar with. Getting the traffic adapter for Christmas.

Kenneth Brown
I owned a Magellan previously. It worked very well for me. Unfortunately it was stolen. The updated version I purchased incorporated some new and interesting features

I've been using this unit for about four months now and am regretting the purchase. Start-up time is very long (if it even does find the satellite at all), about 1-2 minutes. If you attempt to start entering in an address before it finds the satellite, the unit will have to be shutdown and restarted.

I've also experienced a handful of "fatal errors" and had the unit shutdown while I was driving.

The maps, screen, and functionality are great. The screen is easy to read (unless you wear polarized sunglasses).

The traffic feature needs a couple more years before it is perfected. Occasionally it will show traffic when there is none. Also keep in mind that the traffic pick-up is only in dense city areas for the most part. So, on Massachusetts Pike, it is unlikely you will be informed of massive traffic. However, I believe the traffic feature did helps us out once going down to CT (although I didn't have anybody take the other route to find out).

In all I thought an after market navigation system would be better than a built in navigation system. So far I've been wrong. My built-in systems on my 2006 Nissan Morano and 2008 Infinity M35X have been superior in stability and reliability (which to me is most important)

Floyd Goodrich ( Alta Loma, CA USA )
Update 10-22-09....
After using this GPS for four days and 900 mile trip to the San Francisco Bay Area and home to Los Angeles area, I am returning it. It has two major disappointments to me. First is the lane guidance. The lane to exit on is shown on a very small highway sign with extremely small lettering, very hard to read. Traveling at night its tough to see the corresponding actual highway sign to exit on as it may be (and usually is) poorly lit. The second disappointment is the next turn arrow in the top left of the screen, way to small and gives poor information, very confusing at times. Other than those two items I like this Magellan better than all the other GPS's I've owned (Garmin 200, Garmin 255W, Navigon 2000S, TomTom 130, TomTom Xl340S) The TomTom's lane guidance system showing big green arrows on the lane(s) you should be in is light years ahead of the Magellan's lane guidance IMHO. The next turn arrow on the TomTom makes much more sense than the Magellan. The perfect GPS would be this Magellan 1470 with the lane guidance and next turn arrow of the TomTom XL340S. If lane guidance isn't that big a deal to you, I highly recommend this Magellan as the other features it has blow all the others away. I'll miss the ding dong signal when to turn:=(

Original review....
Magellan has made a reasonable cost GPS with limited extras, but the extras it has are the right ones to have. You can program in multiple destinations with optimization of the route. You can find a point on the map and name it then save it in the address book. The map (driving) screen shows the next turn and distance down to tenths of a mile to that turn in the top left corner. The next street name to turn onto is shown across the top of the screen. On the bottom left of the screen is a toggle button that shows various information such as ETA, time to destination, time of day, your speed. When on a freeway (highway) an icon pops up on the left side of the screen, that if you press, shows the services available (food gas lodging) on the next few exits coming up, just press the exit you want and the GPS will take you there. The screen is big bright and beautiful, easily seen in daylight hours,and spectacular at night, the best I've seen in this area. I read the reviews here and was concerned about the time some say it takes to acquire a signal. Out of the box mine had a signal within one minute and has never taken more than a minute. The sound volume is OK and the computer voice is good, pronounces street names very accurately. The POI search engine is fantastic and extremely easy to use. The input screens have an intelligence about them that will normally find what your looking for in far less keystrokes than other GPS brands. Is there anything about this GPS that I wish were different? Yes. I wish more information was shown constantly on the bottom of the screen, highway speed limits, ETA, your speed. The distance until the next turn stops counting down the distance at one tenth of a mile and your indicated position on the screen lags behind your actual position (probably within the margin of error of any GPS). Now this would be a deal killer to me except Magellan overcomes this with two great innovations. First the screen zooms way in so you can clearly see the next turn and second a tone sounds indicating that you should turn at the next street. In my opinion that zoom and tone feature is fabulous and makes a great difference in the peace of mind that your actually turning onto the correct street. This zoom and tone makes up for the inaccuracy that all GPS's have. The lane guidance feature is good, (I like the Tom Tom lane guidance a little better), but the verbal instructions are extremely good and timely and missing a turn would be hard to do with the expert advice the text to speech provides. Summing up, this GPS delivers on features you would want on a long trip and is also great around town with its ability to easily find POI's.





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