
Magellan RoadMate 1340 3.5-Inch Portable GPS Navigator Review

Magellan RoadMate 1340 3.5-Inch Portable GPS Navigator
Magellan RoadMate 1340 3.5-Inch Portable GPS Navigator
Brand : Magellan
Model : RoadMate 1340
(3.5/5 of 40 Reviews)

Technical Detail
  • Includes maps of United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico
  • Text to Speech Announces street names and directions at each turn
  • Features a portable 3.5-Inch color touch screen
  • Features AAA TourBook and Roadside Assistance menu
  • Personalize OneTouch search icons with your favorite places
Product Description

The new Magellan RoadMate 1340 GPS device is a redesigned color screen and touch-sensitive 3.5-inch ultra-thin design, allowing for browsing more powerful in a compact package. This easy use gives you confidence, while on the road with the features of awards, including: AAA Tourbook, ran for help, said that the names of streets, multi-destination routing and pre-loaded maps of North America. Exclusive for Magellan OneTouch icons custom search will be easy to bookmark favorite destinations so you can access anywhere you travel. Find your favorite cafe or restaurant in a city with one touch. The navigation device RoadMate 1340 offers your favorites at your fingertips.  [...]

Customer's Reviews (All-Reviews)

Dataman Bill ( Palatine IL )
Nice compact unit with built Tourbook AAA. The unit does a good job for me from point A to point B. I had a problem with a software update and had to send a unit of Magellan. They retuned another unit within a week. The update is a big improvement, with additional custom buttons, QWERTY keyboard and the automatic change time zone. It 'was very good in a recent trip I took from Chicago to Virginia. When traveling in PA, we were able to pull up restaurants in GPS when traveling to call ahead for hours and make a reservation to come down quickly. The course was good.

I thought that if one is traveling off the beaten path, not necessarily choose the best or the fastest route. For example, on a trip to Burlington, WI, GPS sent me 20 miles off the road and added an additional 1 / 2 hour to my travel time. Also, I was parked in a shopping center in Lexington, KY in search of a Starbucks, the nearest was 0.3 miles away. The GPS found me in the parking lot, so he gave me a ride on the road to get there. When we arrived, we recognize the mall throughout the game. I truly need a cup of coffee.

I also bought the connecting traffic. He saved me from traveling from Indianapolis to Chicago by re-routing me around crowded fast. However, I also received warnings that have been children. Thus, the jury is still out.

Keith G. Collingwood ( Seattle, WA )
I can not understand the spoken instructions from this unit. I drive a Ford F250 diesel truck and when they turn up the volume loud enough to hear the sound of the engine, the instructions are incomplete and unbalanced. I have to look at the screen to find out where you want to go instead of hearing his voice. ... Becomes a bit 'dangerous while driving.

The screen is small, but you get what you pay for. This is a low end unit. I would say that if you don't have a vehicle that has a lot of engine noise, this unit is ok. But if you do have a lot of engine noise, definitely buy something else.

Daniel N. Huse ( Woodbury, MN United States )
This is the second GPS unit I've ever had. The first is an older model with a small screen Garmin in black and white. I used a religious, probably 5 years in the United States, Canada, Hawaii and even, without any problem. In particular, I've never had my Garmin routing me crazy from point A to point B. At first power of this unit, I was impressed with the user interface pleasant. I never had to open the user manual at all. It 'was a breeze to find. However, the user interface is not the most important feature of a GPS unit. It 'important that the unit does its job - to get where you want to go. My first trip - a trip of 20 miles across the city - I met the problem immediately. Mind you, I was not in a new area with new roads.
I started in a city that has more than 100 years, and Magellan GPS made me go the way I knew I turned right, then turn right onto the street right next to each other, then turn left onto I crossed the street. There were no problems just by turning on the right the right way, but the Magellan took me away, "Overview", in a residential neighborhood. I was so fascinated by where I was routing followed me like an idiot, but I knew that I had missed my turn. Let's just say you do not want that to happen in a bad part of town, where the scenic route, which could mean driving in a dark alleyway or street when you could be on a main road. I used this disk, maybe 4-5 times after the first experience, and it worked. However, first impressions are lasting, and it will take time to put this experience behind us and believing in this unity. Again, my Garmin was a trusted co-pilot for many years. I even named her--Carmen my Garmin. Then, I kicked her to the curb when a better looking co-pilot came along. If Maggie my Magellan turns out to be a dimwit, I still have Carmen in her pouch.




Unknown said...


The information given in this post is excellent and the content is very useful and well-informed. I feel glad to read such type of post which contains knowledge information.

Have a nice day...!!

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