
Garmin City Navigator NT SD Card for Garmin GPS Units Review

Garmin City Navigator NT SD Card for Garmin GPS Units
Garmin City Navigator NT SD Card for Garmin GPS Units
Brand : Garmin
Model : Europe
(4.5/5 of 108 Reviews)

Technical Detail
  • Product Type - GPS Accessories
  • Contains updated detailed maps of major metropolitan areas throughout Western Europe
  • Includes detailed maps containing motorways, national and regional thoroughfares and local roads
  • Displays points of interest such as food and drink, lodging, border crossings, petrol stations, hospitals and more
  • Will automatically create point-to-point routes in MapSource and on compatible Garmin GPS units
Product Description

SD memory card preloaded with City Navigator Europe NT provides detailed maps of major metropolitan areas, coverage of rural areas, points of interest, and much more  [...]

Customer's Reviews (All-Reviews)

A. Waraich ( Texas, USA )
I bought this SD card to one of my friends in Brazil. Is now very happy to use it with a Garmin 1300. It 'a really great pair. Very good value for money.

Luciano Silva ( Brazil )
The operation is perfect for some cities in Brazil, particularly São Paulo, with the identification of radar, and many other points of interest. Installation is easy, just put in and out with the GPS. Very good! Thank you!

FL gator ( FLorida )
Recently, he turned the grounds of the lakes of northern Italy and found the GPS an invaluable tool for us, especially since the street names are not always detectable in Europe. She not only helped us find our position, but was also useful for planning how long you allow us to reach our destination. A key to its plans for a drive on a vacation in Europe!

I have my Garmin Nuvi 205W. He does very well to where I want, even if you lose only once and must be recalculated. The problem is that sometimes brings me to dead end (places that has never been a path that never!). I was taken in the wrong place at times and sometimes you just have to wait a while 'to turn much to say. Overall, though not very well and about 92% of the time is right so forth. Other 6 or 7%, looks around a bit 'too long. That extra 1 or 2% that makes you go into a strange situation (I've only had for about a month and has done 2 or 3 times). Probably more on the star 3.5 because of the price and the fact that you lose sometimes, where you turn around and that was its original location.




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