TomTom Additional Windshield Mount and Car Charger for 720, 920, 630, 730, 930 GPS Navigators Review

TomTom Additional Windshield Mount and Car Charger for 720, 920, 630, 730, 930 GPS Navigators
TomTom Additional Windshield Mount and Car Charger for 720, 920, 630, 730, 930 GPS Navigators
Brand : TomTom Model : 9M00.004

Overall Rating :
From : 22 Reviews
Color : / Size :

Technical Details
  • Extra holder and car charger for TomTom GO
  • For easy installation of your TomTom GO in a second vehicle
  • No more need to transfer your holder from one car to another
  • USB Car Charger

Product Description

If you use more than one car or share your TomTom GO you can make it even easier by using an extra holder and car charger for a second car.

 TomTom Additional Windshield Mount and Car Charger for 720, 920, 630, 730, 930 GPS Navigators

Customer Reviews (see all-reviews)

Benniegirl ( Virginia )
The product was delivered on time and I have no problems using it expect for it keeps falling off the windshield after a while. so I have to wet the suction a little bit for it to stay longer on the windshield. Wolud love to have something sturdier for a change. This my third buy. I would def recommend it.

Matt Drostdy ( Alexandria VA )
I remember when battling between the Garmin and the TomTom that many of the pro reviewers pointed out that the Garmin's mount is superior. How much of a diff could it make, I thought. Well, it's true... the mount is not great. It sticks to some windows, not others. Mine has now kind of fallen apart at the joint... probably a result of trying to push it onto the window harder and harder in hopes that it would stick. The reality is that Garmin's mounts stick to anything. They're dramatically better... and yes, I have this low-level but very real frustration that in the last couple years, at least, TomTom hasn't bothered to improve this crucial product. My next GPS may end up being a Garmin, and this may be the difference in the pros/cons column that sends me there... And yes, bundling it with a car charger is just plain goofy.

R. P. ( Chicago, IL )
This thing only stuck to the windshield the first 3 days I used it, after that, it would fall off while I'm driving <30min.>

John S.
This windshield mount worked fine the first couple months I had it. It held my tomtom GO 720 on my windshield very securely, but I keped it in one place and never removed the suction mount from the windshield. It took quite a bit of force to pull it off the windshield the first time I tried to take it off (which was probably after more than a month of being continuously on my windshield). However, when I started traveling a lot such that I was using the mount in many different people's cars and rental cars, the continual mounting, unmounting, and remounting brought it to the point where the mount wouldn't last even one car ride without falling off. I washed the mount and it started to work ok again, so I found that I have to continually and carefully clean the suction mount and the windshield to make sure I have a secure mount. Unfortunately, that is not always easy to do with all the traveling in different vehicles that I do.

So my conclusion is this:

-If you plan to use this mount in only one vehicle, and plan to just leave the mount on the windshield without disturbing it after it's been installed, this mount will probably work well for you (which is probably why some people have reported good experiences with it). Just make sure the suction piece and the windshield is clean when you first position the mount, and the mount will stay secure.
-If you plan to repeatedly mount, unmount, and remount this unit, on a daily or weekly basis, where there's exposure to dust, dirt and oil (even in very small quantities) you will probably want to look for something else

For me, the second circumstance is what I'm in, so it doesn't work well for me, and the unit has become very frustrating. The type of mounting system that Garmin uses which has a locking mechanism works infinitely better for my circumstances.

Consumer opinion
This is the same OEM bracket/suction cup that originally came with my TomTom GPS. Not the best suction to the windshield, but if you wet the disk before fixing to the window, it helps. Unfortunately, TomTom felt it necessary to bundle the bracket with an extra accessory cord which I didn't need. I guess they make more money that way. I called TomTom and asked about obtaining a replacement bracket, but this bundle was the only option. They didn't offer to replace it. I thought for a $400+ unit, that they may have replaced it for me. I'll keep that in mind when I buy my next GPS!





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