Garmin nüvi 855 4.3-Inch Widescreen Portable GPS Navigator with Speech Recognition Review

Garmin nüvi 855 4.3-Inch Widescreen Portable GPS Navigator with Speech Recognition
Garmin nüvi 855 4.3-Inch Widescreen Portable GPS Navigator with Speech Recognition
Brand : Garmin Model : 010-00577-31

Overall Rating :
From : 74 Reviews
Color : / Size :

Technical Details
  • Sleek, ultra-slim design fits in a pocket; High-sensitivity GPS receiver for fast satellite lock
  • Pre-loaded with City Navigtor NT maps for North America, including more than 6-million name-searchable points of interest
  • Speech recognition--speak menu options and keep your eyes on the road
  • Multi-destination routing--enter several destinations and get the best route to all of them; "Where am I?" and "Where's my car?" features
  • Full feature set--text to speech for spoken directions with real street names; MP3 player, and Photo viewer

Product Description


Customer Reviews (see all-reviews)

El Gordo ( Acton, CA United States )
I purchased this unit to replace an iQue 3600 that has served very well, but is now obsolete (no new maps)for a 2 week road trip from L.A. to WA state and back. I did considerable research here on Amazon to help decide which model to get. The comments of others were helpful on deciding to get the nuvi 855. I already have Bluetooth and MP3 equipment, so I focused on the voice activation (since hands-free is the law in Cali, and just plain smarter). The order arrived in the usual prompt Amazon fashion, and having already learned a lot from the many Garmin help web sites, setting it up before my trip went quickly. The initial map and firmware upgrade went flawlessly, along with downloading the custom items from the Garmin web site. I then loaded custom POI's on to an 8GB Micro SD card, and left town.

The unit worked great, being on continuously daily, with only needing 2 hard re-boots the entire trip. Considering the sophistication of the miniature electronics inside the current GPS units today, I think that's pretty good. The many complaints I saw about low volume had some substance, but it was easily fixed by using a freeware program called TTS Voice Editor. It allows you to customize the voice files by increasing volume, slowing down phrasing(a big help to make it more intelligible), and even changing some phrases. Be kind and leave a donation for the author of this cool program if you download it.

The voice activation worked great, and makes usage much safer. You do need to lower the stereo though. If you drive a convertible with the top down a lot, get a touch screen only model. The Lane Assist feature worked great, especially through the dreaded downtown Portland, OR I-5 mish mosh. Also worked great getting to Seattle Intl Airport through their snarls. I found the touch screen worked well, but was far better with fewer mistakes using a PDA type stylus. This unit has capability for FM traffic, but don't bother buying the optional cord for it. My other car has this feature built in to the stereo system, and I haven't found any place where it works.

Some reviews I read complained the none of the units by any company can get them within 6 inches of their destinations. Sometimes you have to look around, read the signs, and see where you are. Otherwise, we should all get chauffeurs.

It's possible some earlier releases of this model may have had some software or firmware problems, but as of right now, I heartily recommend this unit. I feel Garmin was the first on the block; and is still making the best stuff out there.

The voice recognition interface is not perfect but it's good enough and can be a lot of fun.

Having the posted speed limit displayed right next to your actual speed is better than any fuzz buster I've ever had.

Don Pearsall ( Puyallup, WA )
I bought the Nuvi 855 to replace my dead Tom Tom 910 I had for four years. The Tom Tom was loaded with features even though it was among the earliest GPS devices. Boy, things have not come far in 4 years. I am a real estate agent and appraiser, so I have to find new addresses daily.

What the Nuvi does better than the Tom Tom:
- Easier to enter addresses, however it forces you to re-enter the same city every time.
- Voice address entry works, but not real well.
- Is much lighter and thinner, so I can attach it to vertical surfaces.
- Faster to wake up and realize where it is.

What the Nuvi does worse than the Tom Tom:
- Forces you to enter the city for every address entry, even though the last address was in the same city.
- The speaker is tinny and volume is very low. At full volume the instructions are almost incomprehenable. If the unit is plugged into your radio, it is much better through the car speakers.
- The instructions are too late. Many times it will tell you to turn, and street to turn on is already behind you.
- The on-off switch is poorly designed. It takes two hands just to slide the off switch. One to hold the device and another to slide the switch.
- Unit has frozen on me twice in 3 weeks. Another time it was so slow it was useless. Had to reset it to get it working.
- There is no quick way to get back to the menu display if you are deep in the menu system. You have to hit the back button about 10 times to get to the map.

So far I really like this Nuvii. It has performed well and have had no problems with it. I have not really learned to use it completely yet but so far so good!! M.

Most importantly, I wouldn't buy this Garmin again because of the freezing. It has frozen mid-direction, as well as just when it's turned on. The freezing hasn't happened often, but maybe 3 times in 2 months? I still think that's far too often! After it freezes, I've tried turning the Garmin off and letting it sit for a minute or so, but it is usually still frozen when I turn the device back on. The freeze has never lasted for more than 5 minutes, but it seems to unfreeze only when it it good and ready to work again.

The second negative is with the Points of Interest. Only once have I found the POI that I'm looking for using this feature... Costco??? How can it not list Costco???!!! And when choosing "gas station," it's taken me to a 7-11 that didn't have any pumps, as well as a mile past a gas station that I could see on the next corner from where I was parked.

As for the "good," this device is very easy to use, and has very clear directions. The screen has a great picture, and clearly marked signs. I've never taken a wrong street following this Garmin (except for the times it has frozen while I was driving).

Overall, I'd say it's 90% fine, if you always enter an address and never need the POI.





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