
Magellan RoadMate 1440 4.3-Inch Portable GPS Navigator

Magellan RoadMate 1440 4.3-Inch Portable GPS Navigator
Magellan RoadMate 1440 4.3-Inch Portable GPS Navigator
Brand : Magellan Model : RoadMate 1440

Overall Rating :
From : 51 Reviews
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Technical Details
  • Text to Speech Announces street names and directions at each turn
  • Features a 4.3-Inch WQVGA color touch screen
  • Highway lane assist helps you navigate the interstate
  • Personalize OneTouch search icons with your favorite places
  • Features AAA TourBook and Roadside Assistance menu

Product Description

The newly redesigned Magellan RoadMate 1440 GPS device now boasts a 4.3-Inch color touch screen and ultrathin design, delivering powerful navigation in a compact package. This easy-to-use device gives you confidence while on the road with premium features including: AAA TourBook, highway lane assist, spoken street names, multi-destination routing, and pre-loaded maps of North America. Exclusive Magellan OneTouch personalized menu lets you easily bookmark favorite searches and destinations so you can access them anywhere you travel. Find your favorite café or restaurant in any city with a single touch. The oadMate 1440 device delivers your favorites at your fingertips.

Customer Reviews (see all-reviews)

Traveler ( New England )
I've used both the Magellan 1440 and 1470 and have the same opinion about both: The feature set Magellan offers is superb, but Magellan needs to improve reliability and performance. I gave the 1470 4 stars, but that was before I encountered some of the reliability issues.

I've owned and used 2008/2009 models made by Tom-Tom, Garmin and Magellan. Garmin rules the market, but they don't offer the best feature set. I found the Garmin to be rock solid in terms of performance, but extremely limited in functionality and very difficult to adapt to one's personal needs. If all you need is to go from point A to point B then Garmin is probably what you want. If you want your GPS to do more, well, maybe put up with the quirks of Tom-Tom or Magellan.

OK, the 1440: As others have noted, the feature set is identical to the 1470 except the screen size. There are a few other minor differences, but it basically comes down to the screen. If you'd like the bigger screen then consider the 1470. It's as basic as that.

The Magellan GPS units shine when it comes to POI (points of interest) adaptability. Within a minute you can find the nearest Target store, nearest library, town hall, etc. because the units have all that information included and easily organized. Magellan beat the pants of both my Tom-Tom and Garmin in this regard. Ditto the AAA guidebook function. This is a unit that really works with you when it's not just about getting somewhere, but also just figuring out where you want to go in the first place.

Unfortunately, Magellan GPS units suffer from reliability problems. I've experienced a single system failure (restart required), map shifting top to bottom/bottom to top at unexpected moments, and the map showing I'm 50 feet in the woods instead of the paved road. This last problem is not about the maps needing updating -this problem has popped up all over the place in cities and rural areas on new roads and old roads. I've restarted the unit and it will immediately show me back on the road.

I realize this might scare people off from buying a Magellan. However, if you can work around the quirks and you need a GPS unit to go beyond just getting you from A to B you should give the 1440 or other current Magellan a look. I've found that I actually prefer using the Magellan over my Tom-Tom and I wouldn't go back to my previous Garmin which I sold after using for a couple of weeks. Until Magellan, Tom-Tom, Garmin or another company comes along offering both reliability and functionality I'm going to stick with the 1470 as I prefer the larger screen size.

Lisle Caldwell ( Charlotte NC USA )
This is a good gps for the average person. All techno freaks will hate it as the unit is not loaded with electronic garbage. I used a Tom Tom one and a Garmin Nuvi? before I purchased this unit and they all worked about the same. They all had errors, especially in the country or suburban areas. They all pick up the same info from the satellites,so all have same problems.
None of these units are ready for prime time yet, so put them in the glove compartment until you go someplace you have never been,unknown address in the city or strange cities, places etc. If you know the area and can read a map you will beat it every time.However if you can't read a map follow blindly as they will get you there.
The nice thing about the 1440 is the simple operation,the bell sounds exactly where you are to turn and re routes quickly to get you back on track if you miss the turn.The warning before the turn is adequate the picture is bright and clear, audio is good and loud enough to hear while listening to the radio or talking.Good basic unit,priced right , but will not baffle with all the unnecessary static. It has estimated time,speed, and arrival time at destination, but does not have altitude, play rap, tell lies or stories. LOVE IT SO FAR

Pat Guthrie ( Scottsdale, AZ USA )
I bought the Magellan due to the fact it contained everything other unit do but it also includes all the AAA Tour Books which proved very helpful on my last trip. The only think I don't like is that it insists on taking you on really remote back roads all the time, even though you ask for freeways and there is no way to fool it into going the way you want even if it is a better route. I have my laptop with me and still route using Microsoft Streets and Trips which lets me take the route I want. I then use that map to insert various addresses along the way and then navigate there using those directions. Seems a long way around to get someplace, there should be options for more direct or faster routes, the options they include don't seem to work as well as they should.

Yuval Zadok ( Emeryville, CA United States )
What a wonderful GPS!. I bought it because I wanted certain features in a GPS only to find that it has so much more to offer. After one month of use for both short and very long trips, during the daytime or at night, in areas that I am moderately familiar with and some that are new to me, on Highways and city streets and also using it as a pedestrian, it surpassed all of my expectations.
Easy to use, very light, and with a fantastic set of features:
It speeds up address entry by only showing the possible characters completions to City and Street names. It has a clear, bright screen and voice commands that read out Street names and Exit numbers on Highways (not just "turn right in 0.2 miles").
The 'Lane Assist' is ingenious, showing you lifelike green roadsigns of the lanes you need to take and the ones to avoid when you get close to diverging highways or multi-lane exits. It also zooms in when you approach a turn, and sounds a chime just before every turn to alert you that it is 'time' (you can select from a few different sounds, or mute it if desired).
The screen has a day mode and a night mode, which can be set to either, or to 'auto' where the picture changes from day to night mode in the evening (the background tones turn dark for easier viewing at night). I particularly liked the night mode and set it so most of the time.
Remember though that your eyes should be on the road, not the GPS, and Magellan does a great job at allowing you to see where you are with a quick glimpse.
The GPS also has many Points of Interest, from Grocery stores, Gas Stations, Emergency services, Banks, ATMs, Restaurants (either by name, or category) and many more useful business types. It remembers your destination and will offer to resume-trip if turned off. You can also add multiple stops to a trip, see POI on Highway exists, watch the speed of the car (or even when walking), distance to destination, direction, distance to the next turn - so very useful - ETA, and more. Oh and it has 2D or 3D options too. After the initial excitement form the 3D, I found that the 2D actually gives you you an easier view of turns , ramp access to freeways etc.
Because most of my trips were relatively short the 3-hour battery life was quite sufficient and I did not need to use the battery adapter in the car. I bought a v120 charger for home (~$5) and that keeps the Magellan fully charged. It would be nice to be able to tell how much battery life is left, but this is just a small thing. Many times I enter the destination at home before leaving. The touch screen is responsive and can be dragged right and left, or use the -/+ to zoom out/in. Finally, should you get off route, the GPS re-calculated the new directions within 5-10 seconds at the most. This is an example of Technology and Human engineering at it's best. One last comment. You may want to try the same GPS only in 4.7". Happy Travels.

Harry C. Mawson ( Furlong, Pa United States )
has a few quirks....but then i don.t know of one thatdosen't like the fact that it gives you the name of street/road you have to turn onto





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