
TomTom One 130S 3.5-Inch Portable GPS Navigator (Factory Refurbished) Review

TomTom One 130S 3.5-Inch Portable GPS Navigator (Factory Refurbished)
TomTom One 130S 3.5-Inch Portable GPS Navigator (Factory Refurbished)
Brand : TomTom
Model : ONE
Overall Rating :
From : 83 Reviews

Technical Detail
  • 3.5 inch Color Touchscreen Control
  • Turn-by-Turn Directions
  • Preloaded Map of US and Canada
  • Text to Speech
Product Description

TomTom ONE 130 TTS Refurb Auto Navigation System. TomTom ONE 130's distinctive design puts a full-size touchscreen and the power of GPS in a slim, lightweight device. Switch on and go right out of the box. The crystal-clear display, 3D graphics and turn-by-turn spoken instructions help you find your way to any address in the US and Canada - all with just a few taps of the screen. Foldable EasyPortTM mount makes it easy to take it with you from car to car. TomTom has the most accurate maps and with TomTom Map ShareTM technology you can instantly modify street names, street direction, and POIs on your own device. And now, there are added safety features so you can easily access local emergency providers. No activation, no monthly fees. Refurbished.  [...]
TomTom One 130S 3.5-Inch Portable GPS Navigator (Factory Refurbished)

Customer's Reviews (All-Reviews)

Kyle Skrinak ( North Carolina )
Briefly, I love the help the GPS brings, but the cost for map updates is too high. It's nearly the cost for the refurbished device. I've never had to spend $200 on maps before; I'm not sure the benefits of a GPS is that high.

P. Buckley
the TOM TOM 130S is a great GPS. very small and compact, easy to use, easy to personalize. Once i updated the map (free), it worked great. Excellent GPS

Arin Abed ( LA,CA )
First of all I have to say that I bought it as factory refurbished and seen no different with the brand new one.
The map was easily updated and in order to use the S function you have to use the computer voice not the human voices.(This issue made me confused for awhile)

Thomas B. Showalter
In the city the maps seem to be good so far but I live in a more spread out rural area with about 70,000 people surrounding Wasilla, Alaska and the maps need serious improvements. Many roads on there that do not exist and many that are there but not on the map. putting an address in to find the destination is usually a lost cause, sends you to the wrong place. Not at all impressed with the local maps. Mostly just sits on my desk at home now because it is useless here.

Philip J. Szot ( new jersey )
a great value for the money. still learning how to program and it made a great low cost gift.





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