
Garmin nuvi 465/465T 4.3-Inch Widescreen Bluetooth Truck GPS Navigator Review

Garmin nuvi 465/465T 4.3-Inch Widescreen Bluetooth Truck GPS Navigator
Garmin nuvi 465/465T 4.3-Inch Widescreen Bluetooth Truck GPS Navigator
Brand : Garmin
Model : 010-00786-00
28 Reviews
Color : Gray

Technical Detail
  • Garmin's first navigator designed for the trucking industry - navigate routes based on your truck's type, load, and physical restrictions
  • Pre-loaded with detailed, street-level maps of the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico; speaks street names so drivers will receive turn-by-turn
  • Lane Assist guides users to the right lane at the right time, built-in FM traffic receiver gives free alerts about traffic delays and road construction, hands-free calling with Bluetooth and built-in mic/speaker
  • Specialized routing to support truck-related restrictions, customizable by height, weight, length, width, and hazardous materials
  • NOTE: Model number on the box is 465T because the traffic receiver is included; however, the model number on the device itself is 465 as the "T" in 465T refers to the additional component
Product Description

Ease your way down the highway with the nüvi 465T--Garmin's first nüvi designed specifically for the over-the-road trucking industry. Featuring a preloaded NTTS Breakdown Directory, specialized routing options throughout the lower 48 states, and truck-friendly points of interest, this full-featured navigator was made for life on the road. The nüvi 465T also lets you create custom vehicle profiles tailored to what you're driving and what you're hauling. It's convenience created with over-the-road drivers in mind. [...]
Garmin nuvi 465/465T 4.3-Inch Widescreen Bluetooth Truck GPS Navigator

Customer's Reviews (All-Reviews)

R. Taylor
When comparing this to a less expensive older GPS model (not truck specific), I found the new one lacking. There were 'no-truck' routes that were not announced, there are conflicting times and miles... the older GPS being more accurate. Maybe I need to get used to the new, more expensive to know if it is really worth all the money.

Arnold ( USA )
For truck drivers: this is NOT a GPS for you. It is a regular car GPS with some extras.
It will calculate your route from point A to point B and then there will be an icon (inveriably so) that says it's not preferable truck route.That's all it does.That is the only difference between car gps and truck gps.There is no truck specific route that the gps calculates.It just tells you that you are on "non-preferable" route.LMAO (Why,that's precisely why I got the GPS so it will give me the preferable truck route!) In other words,you will get the same car GPS (for a lot more money) but cluttered with useless warnings...There shouldn't be warnings, Garmin! There should be DIRECTIONS not warnings! And then you won't need them warnings! Everything backwards...
This thing has absolutely no use for truck drivers. And god forbid you happened to drive in no truck area,it will stop navigating altogether!!! So you'd be on your own! Ha ha! It's not even gonna be a car gps! So,you make your own decision. Garmin refuses to allow us to customise our own routes.At least we can avoid certain high ways,certain roads,especially those with zillion traffic lights or heavily traveled ones.There was no thought whatsoever put into this unit when they were making it.No understanding of drivers needs. And as far as extras concerned,they too very useless.At least what they could do add a feature where garmin tracks miles in each state,so it would be easy for us to figure out high way taxes...It just astounding to me,that they would not consult professionals on this and just put out this product...And at what cost! The main point is: don't be a fool like me,do not get this one.Just get regular garmin (the same thing) (for A LOT LESS)
P.S. Even the basic information about truck stops and rest areas that available on the internet is missing on this unit. So many truck stops (major truck stops) are not there.They have the audacity to call this a truck gps! It crashes a lot too. I gave it two stars just for starting making truck gps.At least it's a start...

R. Nardone ( MI/USA )
I purchased this unit and have had nothing but problems from the start. As I traveled on US highways the unit says I'm on a
non-preferred truck route. It also says the same as I entered rest areas and exit ramps. Software is constantly needi ng updateing.
Maps are okay for the most part. Unit doesn't give you the option of changing routes. Was it worth the money? Not in my opinion.
Customer support is ridiculous. Wait time is upwards of 35 minutes and then you get very little help. Representatives seem to
always past the buck to something else, ie, software needs update, maps needs to be updated, etc.

Vladislav Vesselov
You do not wanna know from which unknown places this GPS helped me out!!! I am FedEx Ground Double Trailer SemiTruck driver and i tryed many other GPS-es. 100% satisfied.

Leif Jernstad ( kilnya )
While I agree this may be the best truck gps out their currently that by no means its a great or even a very good unit.
Give me a minute im still thinking of something...
yea I got nothin......
Well Garmin maps for life maby.

Read other reviews I have not listed things that others have already listed such as the speed and weigh station and rest area issues, PLUS.
NO miles to destination
NO general destination arrow pointing to the direction of your stop.
NO accurate routing.
In one day it told me I was on a truck restricted road when I CLEARLY WAS NOT.
In tha same day it tried to tell me to turn onto a 5 ton weight restricted road and told me the road ahead had a weight rating to low for the truck I was in (the road in question was a main road I travel constantly and also goes through an industrial park full of trucks!
Keep in mind im a local driver in the Chicagoland area, these oversights and more was discovered in one 1 night of driving imagin how many errors are in the whole country, millions?
For $455.00 you would think Id be given accurate directions and a h*nd job on the way to the delivery but no...
MABY? the best unit out their but what does that mean?





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