Garmin zumo 660 4.3-Inch Portable GPS Motorcycle Navigator Review

Garmin zumo 660 4.3-Inch Portable GPS Motorcycle Navigator
Garmin zumo 660 4.3-Inch Portable GPS Motorcycle Navigator
Brand : Garmin
Model : 010-00727-00
Overall Rating :
From : 11 Reviews
Color : Black/Gray

Garmin zumo 660 Technical Detail
  • 4.3-inch, sunlight-readable, glove-friendly touchscreen display; motorcycle and automotive mount both included
  • Motorcycle console for trip information, including fuel gauge to warn you when it's time to fill up; rugged, waterproof design (IPX7) is resistant to fuel spills and UV rays
  • Full coverage mapping for the US, Canada and Puerto Rico; preloaded map data features nearly six million points of interest, including hotels, restaurants, gas stations, ATMs and attractions
  • Lane assist with junction view directs you to the preferred lane while driving, provides realistic images of upcoming junctions
  • Built-in travel kit includes features such as picture viewer, world clock, currency and measurement converters and calculator
Garmin zumo 660 Description

4.3-Inchglove friendly zumo 660 features lane assist, 3D buildings, and lane junction view. The zumo 660 comes preloaded with US, Canada, and Puerto Rico mapping. It comes equipped with stereo bluetooth hands free technology for pairing a phone and headset or helmet. The zumo 660 has a advanced trip log which features the ability to save multiple trip logs and comes with a rugged mount with wire harness for integration into the motorcycle power and audio system.  [...]
Garmin zumo 660 4.3-Inch Portable GPS Motorcycle Navigator

Garmin zumo 660 Reviews (All-Reviews)

This device is easy to use and fairly intuitive. On a couple of occasion, it appeared to have become confused and was going the wrong way. I re-entered the destination and everything straightened out. Haven't had the opportunity to use it on a motorcycle yet. The brightness and volume resolutions are too coarse. Overall I like it.

Kinabalu ( Canton, GA United States )
Just received a nice shiny new 660 to replace my old 550. I like the new wide screen, the lane change feature seems to work pretty good. I live in Atlanta, GA and it has kicked in several times. Most times are very appropriate although once or twice I had already made the lane change and passed the signs when it came up. Also really handy on the 6 and 8 lane interstates as it shows which lanes you should be traveling in which is a great heads up. I like the posted speed limit sign on the screen. Very handy reminder to avoid those costly speeding tickets. I like the configurable left and right positions and it is also handy to have the time on the main screen when on the bike. Not really useful in the car so it would be nice to configure it just for use with the bike and disable when in the car. I usually use my Zumo 90% in the car and 10% on the bike. I agree that the speaker is a bit soft and a little too much bass for some reason making it hard to hear in the car. This is more noticeable with the Bluetooth feature for my cell phone. On the 550 people complained that there was a lot of echo and they seem to not notice it as much with the 660. Like some other reviewers I also am not thrilled with the little door on the back to access the USB connector and the miniSD card. Although I found on the 550 that once I had things going I really did not plug it into the Mac at home very much if at all. Also I had a 2GB card in the 550 and don't think I really ever used it. The door could use a redesign in my opinion, this is where the 550 was definitely better. I really don't like the cheesy plastic cover for the bike mount when the Zumo is not in place. Not being tethered like the one on the 550 I can see it getting lost. Not that it will be on the bike as whenever I am driving I have the Zumo and the rest of the time it is in the garage. But those times when I am on a walkabout it would be nice to have the cover on to protect the mount. I had a hard time getting my favorites over from the 550 as I use a Mac but once I got Roadtrip loaded everything came over fine. I really like the thinner design and I like the fact that the speaker is built in and not in the mount like the 550. I also like the "Where am I?" feature as I travel all over the US and this is super handy. The maps seem a heck of a lot clearer than the 550 and I like the way it kind of zooms in and pans around on its own. I got to see the 3D building view when I was downtown the other day. Also a cool thing when I am traveling in unknown cities (pretty much every week). Overall I think this was a good upgrade from the 550.

Book Reviewer ( Wisconsin )
I just got back from a 7 day motorcycle trip, so I have enough useage of the Zumo 660 to give a fair review.
-The screen is bright enough to be read under almost all conditions, even when wearing sunglasses on a sunny day. The only time I could not see the screen properly was in direct sunlight with the sun shining straight onto the unit from over my shoulder. This was seldon an issuee. Screen=5 stars.
-The MP3 player was generally good, but lacked an equalizer. This is especially an issue on a motorcycle where wind noise drowns out bass. An equalizer is surely just a software issue, so there is no excuse for it not being on an $800 unit. MP3 player=3 stars
-The mapping software that comes with the unit is generally easy to use, and routes are easily loaded into the Zumo. Mapping software=4 stars
-The automotive mount that comes with it works well. I have used the unit in cars almost as much as on my motorcycle. Automotive mount=5 stars
-Routing, directions, etc. are good. It will occasionally direct you down a goat path, or tell you to go right, then make a u-turn a half mile later. I can only imagine the complexity of writing this software, so I won't ding the score too hard. It is as good as any unit I have used (which isn't that many), but not perfect when the roads are a bit tricky. Routing=4 stars
-Lane assist doesn't seem to do anything. In all the miles I have covered with this unit, it never once told me which lane to be in, and I could have used assistance on more than one occasion. Maybe it only works in certain large cities. As far as I can tell, it is a totally useless feature, if you can even call something that doesn't exist a feature. Lane assist=1 star, zero stars if zero is a legal rating.
-I really like the fact that there are two user-selectable fields that show up on the main map screen. This is one of the features that prompted me to buy this GPS. For example, when I am driving in the mountains, I like to know the elevation, so I can set one to continuously show elevation. All told, there are perhaps 20 different items to choose from, such as speed, time to next turn, arrival time, etc. User-selectable fields=5 stars
-One thing that REALLY annoys me is the fact that cities do not show up on the GPS. You can be rolling down the road, and all of a sudden you are in a town, without even knowing you were approaching one. A GPS is a moving map, and when people look at maps they look for basically two things: roads and cities. How can you not have cities show up? This is truly amazing how Garmin could have made such a basic blunder. Didn't any of the software engineers, technicians, marketing people, etc ever just get in car and try it? Heads need to roll over this. There is no excuse for this kind of defect on an $800 GPS. I have used a $100 el cheapo GPS from Nexstar that shows towns. If you touch the screen, then zoom in or out to just the right zoom level, towns will show up, so with some effort you can find the information, but you should not have to do this. Hopefully this will be corrected with a future firmware upgrade. Lack of Cities=0 stars, even if 0 stars is not allowed.
-I did not use the bluetooth feature, so I cannot comment on any of those features.
-I purchased this through Amazon and, as usual, they did an excellent job.

Overall, I am quite happy with this unit, but Garmin really needs to fix that city problem.

Kim Wescott ( Grafton, MA USA )
I LOVE this GPS! Have had a number of Garmin's over the years, and am very happy with this one.

Garmin zumo 660 Accessories

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