
TomTom Fast Charging Home Dock for 720, 920, 630, 730, 930 GPS Navigators Review

TomTom Fast Charging Home Dock for 720, 920, 630, 730, 930 GPS Navigators
TomTom Fast Charging Home Dock for 720, 920, 630, 730, 930 GPS Navigators
Brand : TomTom
Model : 9M00.005
Overall Rating :
From : 6 Reviews

Technical Detail
  • Holds device upright while it charges
  • Neat and tidy storage solution
  • Charges device in two hours
  • Includes world adaptors
  • Transfer music, photos, maps, voices etc from your computer to your device
Product Description

The Fast Charger has your GO 720 fully charged and ready to hit the road again in just two hours. Holding your device in an upright position with the cable neatly routed, the Fast Charger is simply the quickest and easiest way to re-charge your TomTom. This charger plugs straight into the wall, and comes with plug adaptors that work in the US and Canada, continental Europe, the UK, and Australia so your battery charged before any journey  [...]
TomTom Fast Charging Home Dock for 720, 920, 630, 730, 930 GPS Navigators

Customer's Reviews (All-Reviews)

Ted de Castro
This is an item that Tom Tom should have included with the GPS! Having the ability to charge the batteries from a wall outlet without a computer available and an is essential.

domino ( Prescott AZ )
This item should have been included with the tomtom 920. If your on a trip and are not driving, (We will be hiking and touristing without a car.)you can't charge it. Works fine.

Stanley Sim ( San Francisco, CA USA )
This is a good product for TOM TOM, I am using this in Europe and I am very content!

Shaindel ( Indiana )
I am very disappointed. I have the Tom Tom 920. I ordered this charger and returned it twice because I was sent the charger for the 520/720 both times. I am asking for a refund.

Victor O. Shumate ( Auburndale, Fl 33823 )
This item was never in stock. It was never received! Order was cancelled!




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