
Magellan Maestro 3225 3.5-Inch Portable GPS Navigator (Factory Refurbished) Review

Magellan Maestro 3225 3.5-Inch Portable GPS Navigator (Factory Refurbished)
Magellan Maestro 3225 3.5-Inch Portable GPS Navigator (Factory Refurbished)
Brand : Magellan
Model : Maestro 3225 Refurb
Overall Rating :
From : 36 Reviews

Technical Detail
  • Magellan Maestro 3225 3.5-Inch Portable GPS Navigator (Factory Refurbished)
  • Pre-loaded with North American maps enabling you to travel all 50 United States, Puerto Rico, and Canada.
  • SmartDetour automatically prompts you to route around sudden slow freeway traffic.
  • Rechargeable battery lets you Navigate for up to 3 hours when power is unavailable.
  • 1.3 million pre-programmed POIs make it easy to find gas stations, restaurants, ATMs, coffee and more.
Product Description

Attractive natural can baskets fitted with plastic liner to aid moisture retention. Flat bottom for easy filling on a bench. Galvanized steel frame and chain for strength and long life.  [...]
Magellan Maestro 3225 3.5-Inch Portable GPS Navigator (Factory Refurbished)

Customer's Reviews (All-Reviews)

irishlassie ( uss )
I recently received this item for Christmas and i've found it easy to learn. I have used it on 3 occasions and can't imagine being without it ! I do wish it came with updated maps ! Amazon has been very helpful too !!

Wanda Lee Smith
I received the Magellan Maestro GPS today and tried it out and I just love it !!! Amazon is an awesome place to buy your needs and wants. Super fast shipping and such great deals. I am very happy with everything I have bought from them.

Oluwole Onadeji ( Luisville, KY )
This item is working great and is perfect for me. I am using it and its working great for me.

Ritchie Robertson ( Dickinson, TX )
For 1/2 the price of other GPS units (including refurbs), this unit does what it is supposed to do. It won't give you the quickest route if you already know where you are traveling (like to your home as one reviewer mentioned), but that's not the purpose of a GPS as I see it.

If you are traveling in an area you do not know or trying to find an address, then this does what it is supposed to do.

The fact that it speaks the street names and exits is an extra plus that was not on some of the other comparable units.

The maps may be two years old, but so are most of the roads, so not a big deal.





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