
Garmin nüvi 750 4.3-Inch Widescreen Portable GPS Navigator with Portable Dashboard Mount Included Review

Garmin nüvi 750 4.3-Inch Widescreen Portable GPS Navigator with Portable Dashboard Mount Included
Garmin nüvi 750 4.3-Inch Widescreen Portable GPS Navigator with Portable Dashboard Mount Included
Brand : Garmin
Model : GRM0065720KIT
Overall Rating :
From : 107 Reviews

Technical Detail
  • 4.3-Inch Diagonal Touch Screen Color Display
  • Speed Limit Indicator Display Speed Limits for Highways and Interstates
  • PC Connectivity Using USB Mass Storage
  • Built in Rechargeable LI-ION Battery with upto 5 Hours Battery Life
Product Description

Garmin nüvi 750 4.3-Inch Widescreen Portable GPS Navigator with Portable Dash Mount  [...]
Garmin nüvi 750 4.3-Inch Widescreen Portable GPS Navigator with Portable Dashboard Mount Included

Customer's Reviews (All-Reviews)

Janice Kirkpatrick ( Fredericksburg, VA USA )
I bought this for my son-in-law's birthday. He had had a different GPS and was not happy. He loves his new Garmin nuvi 750 and the portable dashboard mount. His wife loves that he now knows where he's going because she gets to put in the address. It's so user friendly.

Patricia Robinson
This is the 3rd portable GPS I have purchased. The 1st was a Gamin Street pilot. It was a good product. I gave that one to my daughter when I upgraded to a Tom Tom. The Tom Tom was no where near as good, and the sound became so garbled that I could not understand what it was saying. I missed an important meeting because of it. I tossed that and purchased this Garmin. I recommend Garmin over the Tom Tom.. The sound is clear and loud enough, but my favorite feature is, upon reaching your destination, it will also tell you what side ot the street it is on.

morpheus ( Nashville, TN )
I was so excited when i got this Garmin nuvi 750 last christmas. It worked great within my city and i actually loved it. Of course the portable dashboard mount is not a very good thing. The suction cup doesn't stay put and keeps falling off the base. So, minus points for that.
I went to Italy for my honeymoon and bought Garmin City Navigator NT SD Data Card for Garmin GPS Units, Europe (010-10680-00) from Amazon. It was a little SD card and i slipped it in my GPS unit and we headed off to Rome.
Once we were there, it was very difficult to figure out how to make Garmin use the new card instead of trying to use the US map. Man! it took me several minutes to figure out how to trick garmin to make it use the darn Europe map and finally i was able to make it work. So, lack of user friendly interface is a big minus.
Once i got it to work, it was good except that you need to be in an open space for the GPS to capture satellites. We were in the downtown of Rome and with all those buildings and narrow streets, it took at least a good 30 minutes for Garmin to find a satellite as it kept going out of satellite range! One day my wife was sick and i had to go find a chinese restaurant to get some soup for her and Garmin, after 30 minutes of my patience, took me right to the restaurant and back to our hotel. For that one reason alone, it was worth the money that i spent on the European map.
After we got back home, it took a few minutes to make Garmin use the US map. It is not very intuitive.
If you don't switch maps and use the factory installed map, it is great. if not it is a little pain to figure things out and their website sucks if you try to get some help.


Charles H. Fitch ( Dallas, OR USA )
I am amazed and plesed with the detailed listings available on the program as well as the touch method of selection. One of the outstanding features of this equipment is it's geographic accuracy in pinpointing my exact location at all times

I am however frustrated by my inability to obtain a copy of an operating manual, either by Email or written request to the Garmin compny.I purchased my present GPS in early June and to date have received no response to my request for a manual even though I am willing and able to pay for same.

James K. Edelen ( Kentucky )
I am disappointed in the 750 GPS. Although it will take me to the addresses I request, it often has a strange way of routing me there. Although I have it set to find the fastest route, it often ignores the interstates and puts me off on curvy 2 lane country roads, slowing my trip considerably.

Also, the Nuvi 750 seems to be unable or unwilling to see roads built within the past 2-3 years. Even when driving on them, it cannot identify them. It cannot even find my home, although it has been there for almost 20 years. In case you are wondering, I downloaded the latest 2010 map updates a week ago, and am still experiencing problems.

I live in a rural area, and it seems to do better in urban city areas.

For the money I paid for this thing (close to $200.00) I expected much more. I would not recommend a Garvin GPS to anybody.






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