
Garmin City Navigator for Detailed Maps of Italy and Greece (microSD/SD Card) Review

Garmin City Navigator for Detailed Maps of Italy and Greece (microSD/SD Card)
Garmin City Navigator for Detailed Maps of Italy and Greece (microSD/SD Card) Review
Brand : Garmin
Model : 010-10691-05
Overall Rating :
From : 8 Reviews

Technical Detail
  • Micro SD City Navigator NT with Preloaded Italy and Greece Maps
  • Contains Full Detailed Coverage of Italy and Athens Greece
  • Detailed Coverage Of Motorways/ National and Regional Thoroughfares and Local Roads
  • Contains Navigational Features Such As Turn Restrictions and Speed Categories
  • Automatically Create Point to Point Routes On NT Compatible Garmin GPS
Product Description

GARMIN 010-10691-05 Micro SD City Navigator NT with Preloaded Italy and Greece Maps. MicroSD memory card, City Navigator NT, Italy. Contains full detailed coverage of Italy and Athens, Greece including motorways, national and regional thoroughfares and local roads. Contains navigational features such as turn restrictions and speed categories. Points of interest such as: food and drink, lodging, border crossings, petrol stations, hospitals and more. Will automatically create point to point routes on your NT compatible Garmin GPS.  [...]
Garmin City Navigator for Detailed Maps of Italy and Greece (microSD/SD Card)

Customer's Reviews (All-Reviews)

It was great to have a GPS in Italy and the price of the SD card was fine. I was using a Garmin 760 GPS unit that works very well in the US. Nevertheless, I discovered that you should not expect it to work as well as it does with your US map. Too often, I found myself passing the exit before I could identify it from the GPS instructions. Probably, that was sometimes my own fault in trying to understand the mispronounced Italian street names that were identified with too much information--sort of like trying to read the overhead route directions that contained directions to several places, all in a foreign language.
The quirkiness of the guidance was annoying. For example, on one occasion I was on on a major road (comparable to an interstate road in the US) and the GPS said to drive on it for 60 miles. I knew that to be correct, having been on the road before. I drove about 10 miles at about 80 miles an hour (yet being passed by the other drivers). Suddenly, the GPS started telling me to "go 500 yards and make a legal U-turn." I knew I had another 50 miles to go so I ignored that instruction (and it was a physical impossibility to make a U-turn on such a road). For another 5 minutes, it kept telling me to make that U-turn, after which it stopped doing so and reflected the fact that I had another 45 miles to go to my destination.
Despite these issues, I recommend the SD card for anyone driving in Italy. Overall, it did its job, and if you realize it is quirky, you will be OK. It is not perfect, but it is better than trying to read foreign maps and asking for directions when there is a language barrier. If nothing else, its pronunciation of Italian street names will keep you amused.

Matt ( Albany, NY )
I bought this for a trip to italy and wish i didnt waste the money. The maps were outdated. It tried sending us on roads that didnt exist and didnt have many of the paved public roads that we were driving on.

L. M. Trotta
I just received this product and it took 3 hours to get it to work on a 60csx. The manual consists of 1 3"x 3" page in English of which 1/3 is a warning and 1/3 is a legal disclaimer.

I'm still in the States but from what I can see the maps are very good, with plenty of useful POI's. This chip did not work with Garmin Mapsource or Garmin Map installer. Insert the chip into the unit and figure it out from there. Meaning as far as I can tell, no PC tie in.

In my opinion Garmin makes the best mapping product on the market. Which is a shame because they are consistently overpriced with minimal support. It takes hours on line to see how useful their products can be. Which can be a little scary when you can't get on line.

Martin B. Paul ( Forney, Texas )
Great item! I don't know how I would have gotten though Northern Italy without it! I stayed at some smaller hotels on little streets and it was no problem. The only reason I did not give it a five star is because it included no written instructions.

Gary ( Hawaii )
It was exactly as expected and helped me get all around Athens. I did not use it around other areas of Greece or at all in Italy (yet). With it's network of roads downtown it was able to get me from point A to point B knowing the one-way streets. The only drawback was that it doesn't react as quickly as I hoped as it has to read from the SD card so there are slight delays.

I think it's great because you can go off the beaten path and know you can get to your destination.





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